
The Earth is one.
Only one.

Precondition for its maintenance is the respect of the Nature in any ways. The resources of the Hearth aren’t unlimited and for this reason we have to address our investment towards renewable sources.

Main consequence of our technological development was the saving of energy and matter.

In fact there is a saving in terms of electric power for 400 MW/year not having any more needs of distillation of solvents system and emissions abatement.
Within our new plant was recovered and put in use the existing hydropower system: we are now able to produce our own electricity!


Respect, Environment and Safety


Within our new plant we use renewable sources and for the printing we use only water based ink.

The reduction of environmental impact is well represented by the transition to a new environmental license: the company was subjected to a type of permission reserved to the most polluting types of industries (AIA), now the company switched to a type of authorization (AUA) released only to environmentally friendly industries. That is an unusual thing for a converter of our dimension.


Giuliano Castori, Imball Center Chairman


Invest responsibly

If you were looking for a way to make your business more respectful to the environment, now you’ve found it!

To respect the environment also means to invest on the riqualification of abandoned plant instead to cement more green areas.

Moreover our investment enables us to print out using water based ink, instead of the classic solvent based ink, eliminating so the environmental impact. We are “zero emissions”.


impact analysis

Benefits of our investment.


Safety, worker’s healt and fire risk

The substantial removal of the solvent from the productive process resulted in a decrease of chemical risk, to which the workers are subjected.

Almost all the products used are classified as no-dangerous.

The wastes production is substantial reset.

Emissions e waste

The release of pollutants into the environment has been brought nearly to zero. For this reason, the new system does not need the abatement equipment and does not produce waste.

Parameters Solvent Printing Water Based Printing
Emissions (COT) 70 tons per year 2 tons per year (estimate)
Waterwaste discharged disposal system 1150 m3/year 0 m3/year

Waste of process

The wastes production is substantial reset.

Wastes Solvent Printing (Kg/year) Water Based Printing (Kg/year)
Dangerous 42.757 3.000
Not Dangerous 304.590 304.590
% Dangerous 14 % 1 %